Tuesday, March 10, 2009

San Francisco Trip

Avery, Grandma and I spent the first weekend in March in San Francisco visiting Jason and Jessica. We were able to be a part of Jessica's bridal shower and take in some local sights. Avery took her first cable car ride and seemed to enjoy it although whenever the car stopped to let someone on or off, Avery would say "All done!" We also took Avery down to Fisherman's Wharf where she really enjoyed some clam chowder. We had a wonderful weekend spending time with Uncle Jason and Aunt Jessica and are looking forward to their wedding in April!


Jesse, Shari , Hank, and Duke said...

how fun to take a trip and visit family! looks like avery had a great time! She is growing up so fast!

Peplynpak said...

I love that Avery likes clam chowder! She's so cute and getting so big! Can't wait to see you guys in April!

Studlows said...

How fun to go on a trip with just the girls! Great pictures!

Lanes said...

That rocking horse thing is awesome!!! Cute pictures!

Pam Carter said...

Avery is so amazing and pretty, We enjoy your blog, What a beautiful family!!!