Friday, June 27, 2008

Summer Fun

Summer is finally here! School is out and the sun is shining. We have spent a lot of time playing outside. This past week we have been dog sitting and Avery has loved having two dogs to play with. We made a trip to the park where Avery enjoyed watching the dogs run after the ball and crawling in the grass. Today was especially nice, so we got out the pool. Avery had a ball crawling in and out of the pool and splashing around. I tried to get Avery and Scout in the pool at the same time, but every time Scout started to get in, Avery started to crawl out (see last two photos)!


Lanes said...

Great new pics! I love that Avery takes her little toy dog to the park to play. The pool pictures are really funny!

Studlows said...

Avery is looking like such a little toddler...getting so old I can't believe it! Very cute pics, glad you guys are getting out enjoying the sun!


Thanks for sharing your pool yesterday Avery, we had a great time! And to quote Noah again "Avery has a cool new house!" Love Noah and Olivia :)

SarahDB said...

Those last two pictures are classic. I love it! Avery is adorable.

Peplynpak said...

Avery-I love your bathing suit! You are so cute! Wish we could join you at the park!

Jesse, Shari , Hank, and Duke said...

haha i love that scout is hogging the pool!